Tao Rebirth 2
Network: Ethereum
Tao Rebirth 2. I created this digital collage influenced by TAO."The Breath, or Spirit, of the Deep is imperishable. It is called the Azure (Heaven) and the Mother (Earth). The passage through which these Two Influences emerge and enter is called the root of the visible creation. They are ceaseless in action as though permanent, and may be used without ever being exhausted." THE T‘AI HSI CHING every moment you are born, decay, and die.. in every moment, the illusion of me renews itself - What Is Reborn, if Not the Self – Photo montage with own works and Leonardo Da Vinci Studies of the fetus in the Womb. https://platform.wise.art/author/dlelalombard/ https://www.instagram.com/d_lela.art/
Tao Rebirth 2. I created this digital collage influenced by TAO."The Breath, or Spirit, of the Deep is imperishable. It is called the Azure (Heaven) and the Mother (Earth). The passage through which t READ MORE
Short Description
Title : Tao Rebirth 2 Dimension : 11811x7875 pixels at 300 dpi Style : Digital Photo Montage Format : JPG high resolution Edition : 100
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