Victoria's Four Seasons 1
Network: Casper
These four canvases represent four bouquets at the window, always in the same vase, but at different times. Victoria Z, a New York friend of the painter, regularly sent a photo of “Her” bouquet. A way of writing the paradox of time passing in the clothes of eternity. One day, the storm broke on this beautiful friendship, only the four bouquets remained which alone remained inseparable.
These four canvases represent four bouquets at the window, always in the same vase, but at different times. Victoria Z, a New York friend of the painter, regularly sent a photo of “Her” bouquet. A way of writing the paradox of time passing in the clothes of eternity. One day, the storm broke on this beautiful friendship, only the four bouquets remained which alone remained inseparable.
Short Description
This polyptic is to be sold as a phygital package with its twin paintings: 2018 – 61 x 51cm - Oil on canvas For more information please contact us.
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