Transcendenza alchemica 01

Transcendenza alchemica 01

Network: Ethereum


Inspired by Plato’s theories of the concept of beauty and love, this extraordinary piece based on previous paintings has just been created by Italian artist Luca Bonfanti. Trascendenza alchemica distils the process of ennobling man and perfecting a higher self, in contrastwith imperfect earthly matter. Hence, the series portrays the transcendence of earthly life, and the evolution of man towards the spiritual via the three alchemical stages of matter: Blackness or Nigredo, Whiteness or Albedo, Redness or Rubedo. Each work of art also sends a message of hope for a better world in which art, as an expression of beauty and love, becomes the means to sense the existence of an omnipresent spiritual plane, inviting one to explore, discover and connect. Transcendence, therefore, is a synonym for the fusion of the earthly and the spiritual.

Inspired by Plato’s theories of the concept of beauty and love, this extraordinary piece based on previous paintings has just been created by Italian artist Luca Bonfanti. Trascendenza alchemica dis READ MORE

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Inspired by Plato’s theories of the concept of beauty and love, this extraordinary piece based on previous paintings has just been created by Italian artist Luca Bonfanti.

Price 0.66651 ETH = $2400.00

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