Spindream.ch Leaks by Antoine Félix Bürcher

Artist @espace_l

Spindream.ch Leaks by Antoine Félix Bürcher

Network: Ethereum


Spindream.ch Leaks by Antoine Félix Bürcher - This 2022 project brings together artists and curators who explore tangible sculpture as well as digital art forms such as 3D printing, worlding and gaming. Scultures are installed near hydro-electric power stations and capture 360-degree images and 3D scans.  They offer an immersive experience to bridge art, technology and nature.  The project is created in a virtual community across Switzerland like the water network on the map. Spinning in Fluid Dreams is an invitation to explore the relationship between the natural and the technological landscape.  It reflects energy in its multitude of forms, and the emergence of new sensory realities thought both digital and physical experiences. https://platform.wise.art/author/leticia/ https://spindream.ch/world/?avs=15

Spindream.ch Leaks by Antoine Félix Bürcher - This 2022 project brings together artists and curators who explore tangible sculpture as well as digital art forms such as 3D printing, worlding and gam READ MORE

Short Description

Spindream Environment : Leaks Antoine Félix Bürcher https://spindream.ch/world/?avs=15 Augmented Reality Imagery Edition 1/9 Provenance : Espace_L, Genève, Suisse

Price 0.12629 ETH = $450.00

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