Painted Girl 6

Artist @Finfury

Painted Girl 6

Network: Casper


The sixth NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection is a tribute to black and white. Inspired by the 1920s and 1930s. Shirley has her face surrounded by feathers, which frame her face. She and she is depicted halfway between a photo and a painting, because she lives in a space between fantasy and reality. She loves black and white, she knows that from these she can play with many nuances and that sometimes colors have to be silent.

The sixth NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection is a tribute to black and white. Inspired by the 1920s and 1930s. Shirley has her face surrounded by feathers, which frame her face. She and she is depicted halfway between a photo and a painting, because she lives in a space between fantasy and reality. She loves black and white, she knows that from these she can play with many nuances and that sometimes colors have to be silent.

Short Description

This NFT was created entirely digitally, using 2D graphics programs. The concept of the work was created by Silvia Longhi.

Price 91,755.24 CSPR = $1500.00

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