Painted Girl 3
Network: Casper
The third NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection was born from the influence of the Carnival. In this party, we dress up, put on a mask and the important thing is that we choose it. Shirley chooses to use mainly 3 colors: yellow (symbol of joy), orange (associated with energy and fulfillment) and wisteria (dedicated to femininity).
The third NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection was born from the influence of the Carnival. In this party, we dress up, put on a mask and the important thing is that we choose it. Shirley chooses to use mainly 3 colors: yellow (symbol of joy), orange (associated with energy and fulfillment) and wisteria (dedicated to femininity).
Short Description
This NFT was created entirely digitally, using 2D graphics programs. The concept of the work was created by Silvia Longhi.
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