Painted Girl 2

Artist @Finfury

Painted Girl 2

Network: Casper


The second NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection is inspired by the look of the 60s. Shirley combines vintage with a modern interpretation. The colors are deliberately calibrated to give a feeling of comfort. Green represents the transition between warm colors and cool colors. It is emphasized as a symbol of transition between the old and the new, between the fashion of the past and that of the future.

The second NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection is inspired by the look of the 60s. Shirley combines vintage with a modern interpretation. The colors are deliberately calibrated to give a feeling of comfort. Green represents the transition between warm colors and cool colors. It is emphasized as a symbol of transition between the old and the new, between the fashion of the past and that of the future.

Short Description

This NFT was created entirely digitally, using 2D graphics programs. The concept of the work was created by Silvia Longhi.

Price 91,755.24 CSPR = $1500.00

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