Mr Monopoly

Artist @Sarah

Mr Monopoly

Network: Polygon


Concept information: “Mr. Monopoly” is showcasing Milburn Pennybags, more commonly known as "Rich Uncle" Pennybags, is the mascot of the board game of Monopoly. The portly old man has a moustache and wears a “Louis Vuitton” suit with a bowtie and glittering top hat. Mr. Monopoly is what many men want to be: Rich, Powerful and with lots of Self-Confidence. His background consist of Dollar bills and Stickers such as Minnie Mouse and Pokémon figures. Glitter and Varnish underline the overload of this artwork.

Concept information: “Mr. Monopoly” is showcasing Milburn Pennybags, more commonly known as "Rich Uncle" Pennybags, is the mascot of the board game of Monopoly. The portly old man has a moustache READ MORE

Short Description

Mixed Art on Canva 110X110 cm

Price 888.56190 MATIC = $500.00

1 in stock

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