Mother Earth

Mother Earth

Network: Ethereum


Let's take care of the planet, it is unique. Art piece Mother Earth is the embodiment of cosmic femininity, an eternal force that nurtures, protects and sustains all life. In her lap, we find the origin of existence and the very essence of creation. Earth teaches us that, even in the darkest of times, there is always room for light and hope, for rebirth and transformation.

Let's take care of the planet, it is unique. Art piece Mother Earth is the embodiment of cosmic femininity, an eternal force that nurtures, protects and sustains all life. In her lap, we find the origin of existence and the very essence of creation. Earth teaches us that, even in the darkest of times, there is always room for light and hope, for rebirth and transformation.

Short Description

Video digital, format mp4. Short film.

Price 0.49988 ETH = $1800.00

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