

Network: Ethereum


Every heaven has its Lucifer and every paradise its temptation. At the very essence of the duality and complexity of the universe lies truth. Even in the most sacred and perfect places, there is the possibility of corruption and defiance. It is a reflection on human nature and the constant struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. Absolute perfection is an elusive goal and that the struggle between good and evil is a fundamental component of our experience.

Every heaven has its Lucifer and every paradise its temptation. At the very essence of the duality and complexity of the universe lies truth. Even in the most sacred and perfect places, there is the possibility of corruption and defiance. It is a reflection on human nature and the constant struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. Absolute perfection is an elusive goal and that the struggle between good and evil is a fundamental component of our experience.

Short Description

Video short digital. Format mp4, 4K. Using different assets.

Price 0.49988 ETH = $1800.00

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