Fish & Knife
Network: Casper
Every Thursday, after the market, the friends met to cook and eat fish bought from the street vendor. The friends took different paths one day and since then, this fish has been quietly waiting on the old table for the long-awaited reunion of the two friends who will use this long knife to share and once again have a meal full of friendship and complicit laughter.
Every Thursday, after the market, the friends met to cook and eat fish bought from the street vendor. The friends took different paths one day and since then, this fish has been quietly waiting on the old table for the long-awaited reunion of the two friends who will use this long knife to share and once again have a meal full of friendship and complicit laughter.
Short Description
This work is to be sold as a phygital package with its twin painting: 2017 – 50 x 60 cm - Oil on canvas For more information please contact us.
1 in stock
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