Eye of the Pen

Eye of the Pen

Network: Ethereum


The relationship between art as a portable item of wealth and its relationship with who can view it.   Frescos are painted in situ and cannot easily be moved to other locations, so they remain where they were originally created for as long as they survive with can be for centuries or even thousands of years. The first time I saw frescos I knew they would play a vital role in my future art. If I couldn’t paint frescos myself I decided to create an imaginary design format where even they were never painted as frescos they might inspire others in the future.  It was a page of a Veronese catalogue that led to the first one. I drew the outline of the arches and columns of the church and inserted into the spaces images of my choosing. I chose from specific sources, from old master paintings, mainly of the Renaissance, of plants from the photographs of Blossfeldt, of anatomy from the anatomist Vesalius, of animals from books and articles, and dancers from modern printed matter, - adverts, leaflets, newspapers and magazines. Where and how to compose them was based on experience, intuition and imagination. 

The relationship between art as a portable item of wealth and its relationship with who can view it.   Frescos are painted in situ and cannot easily be moved to other locations, so they remain wh READ MORE

Short Description

This unique collection is a hybrid phygital package.  Please contact us for more information. Dip pen ink watercolour 100 x 70 cm 23 September 2018 Signed on the reverse

Price 2.80643 ETH = $10000.00

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