Contes Suisses III

Contes Suisses III

Network: Ethereum


In Ulrike Seyboth's collages it is the recurring fragments and islands of color that lead to an overall composition that is constantly being created anew. They open up a universe of infinite diversity and beauty, draw from their own painterly and graphic cosmos. This reflects the joyful interplay of infinite variations with coincidences. Case and coincidence meet on paper.

In Ulrike Seyboth's collages it is the recurring fragments and islands of color that lead to an overall composition that is constantly being created anew. They open up a universe of infinite diversity and beauty, draw from their own painterly and graphic cosmos. This reflects the joyful interplay of infinite variations with coincidences. Case and coincidence meet on paper.

Short Description

Contes suisses I - V, 2020, 27 x 19.5 cm, Mixed media, collages on paper

Price 0.41657 ETH = $1500.00

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