Universe, Saturn, Stars

Universe, Saturn, Stars

Network: Ethereum


Engler's Universe, Saturn, Stars (2022) is a 104 x 67 cm oil painting that immerses the viewer in a fascinating cosmos. The painting features Saturn, surrounded by brilliant stars on a deep background of blue, violet and black. Fluid brushstrokes render the texture of the planets, while the details of Saturn's rings capture the collective imagination. This work invites us to contemplate the infinity and beauty of the universe, evoking themes of solitude and wonder. In this way, Engler creates a space for reflection on humanity's place in the cosmos. https://platform.wise.art/author/vyron/ https://engler.gallery

Engler's Universe, Saturn, Stars (2022) is a 104 x 67 cm oil painting that immerses the viewer in a fascinating cosmos. The painting features Saturn, surrounded by brilliant stars on a deep background READ MORE

Short Description

2022, 104 x 67 cm, Oil on Canvas.  This digital certificate is sold with a physical piece as a phygital package.  Logistics upon demand.

Price 1.47337 ETH = $5250.00

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