Spheres of Love- Evolving Epochs (Phygital)


Spheres of Love- Evolving Epochs (Phygital)

Network: Ethereum


Phygital (Physical + digital) is a concept that was born in the 21st century and specifically refers to the presence of the same person in both the physical and digital worlds. The NFT with animation is attached to its physical piece of 100 x 70 cm. Inspired in Gustav Klimt's "The Three Ages of Women and Maiden" has been reimagined through the infusion of cutting-edge technologies and AI, bringing a fresh dimension to the masterpiece. This animated artwork, titled " Spheres of Love- Evolving Epochs” elegantly depicts the passage of time and the timeless beauty of women through innovative animation, merging Klimt's artistry with contemporary digital enhancements.

Phygital (Physical + digital) is a concept that was born in the 21st century and specifically refers to the presence of the same person in both the physical and digital worlds. The NFT with animation READ MORE

Short Description

Phygital (Physical + digital) is a concept that was born in the 21st century and specifically refers to the presence of the same person in both the physical and digital worlds. The NFT with animation is attached to its physical piece of 100 x 70 cm. Inspired in Gustav Klimt's "The Three Ages of Women and Maiden" has been reimagined through the infusion of cutting-edge technologies and AI, bringing a fresh dimension to the masterpiece. This animated artwork, titled " Spheres of Love- Evolving Epochs” elegantly depicts the passage of time and the timeless beauty of women through innovative animation, merging Klimt's artistry with contemporary digital enhancements.

Price 2.80643 ETH = $10000.00

1 in stock

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