MCN #535

MCN #535

Network: Ethereum


  • Concept Information:
The nature, scope and access to art has evolved rapidly during the last twenty years. With so many advances in technology and modes of interactions (among humans, machines and the environment), in my opinion, modern art has become more relevant in entertainment, education and in shaping human perceptions. The Limited-Edition series offered represent only rights to the limited-edition NFTs (and don’t represent rights to the underlying original/physical art, or Trading-Cards derived from the original/physical art, or the digital Artist proof).  
  • Story:
My artworks can be described as Abstract-Expressionism, minimalist Abstract-Realism and portraitures. Most of my artworks are made with pens and opaque markers on art-paper.  My artworks and approach to art have evolved over time, to the more informal, with limited range of colors. I also try to incorporate the elements of “limitations of humans” (eg. sometimes expressed as slightly perceptible images; restricted motion; truncated views; partial images; “obstructions”; etc.) which is often the main cause of conflicts and crime in modern society. Unlike many artists, I didn’t visit a lot of museums and art galleries, and was not substantially influenced by existing art. I try to create art that is memorable, elicits thinking/introspection/curiosity, not contrived, venue-neutral and can improve moods. More than seventy images of my artworks can be seen here.

Concept Information: The nature, scope and access to art has evolved rapidly during the last twenty years. With so many advances in technology and modes of interactions (among humans, machines READ MORE

Short Description

Artist Name: Michael C. Nwogugu Dimension of original art (Length or Definition): Length (14”-16.5”); width (12”-15”) Date: 2000-2020 (each of the artworks was created during 2000-2020). Technique: still art; Abstract-Expressionism and Abstract-Realism. Signature: each artwork is signed (in the image).

Price 1.68386 ETH = $6000.00

200 in stock

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