“Anoufabear Love is on the Air”

Artist @Ylan

“Anoufabear Love is on the Air”

Network: Ethereum


Anoufa´s art pieces are modern, humorous, and thought provoking - yet always with a positive message at its center. Over the past few years, he has been combining his stylistic work with his passion of painting and sculpture, with his graphic showing his poetic inspirations. Ylan pays particular attention to colour, harmony, space and form - elements that make his art vibrant, intense and visually striking.

Anoufa´s art pieces are modern, humorous, and thought provoking - yet always with a positive message at its center. Over the past few years, he has been combining his stylistic work with his passion of painting and sculpture, with his graphic showing his poetic inspirations. Ylan pays particular attention to colour, harmony, space and form - elements that make his art vibrant, intense and visually striking.

Short Description

Artist: Ylan Anoufa Title: “Anoufabear Love is on the Air” Date: 2023 Size: 4K 2160 x 3840 px aspect relation 9:16 (36.8 MB) 29 sec long with HD sound effects and music Technique: MP4 4K Edition: 1/1 Physical work: “Anoufabear the Gap between the Physical and Digital Dreamer” Synthesis image (3D animation) & Metal sculpture Height: 30 cm White or Graffiti colours to choose

Price 3.64835 ETH = $13000.00

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