Painted Girl 1
Network: Casper
The first NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection was born from the thought of freedom of expression. Silvia Longhi has played with digital colors and brushes, to offer a work that goes beyond the schemes and that pushes you to color yourself with different emotions that embrace each other. The woman depicted is Shirley, a Metaverse model who loves art, painting and asymmetry. She knows she can't change the world, but she can decide to be herself as she is, not caring about people's prejudices and stereotyped looks. According to Shirley, fashion is not followed, fashion is created.
The first NFT of the "Painted Girl" collection was born from the thought of freedom of expression. Silvia Longhi has played with digital colors and brushes, to offer a work that goes beyond the scheme READ MORE
Short Description
This NFT was created entirely digitally, using 2D graphics programs. The concept of the work was created by Silvia Longhi.
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