Perseus defeats Medusa
Network: Polygon
Alejandro Pereira. PerseusThe myth of Medusa explains how Poseidon entered the temple of Athena and within the sacred enclosure he raped Medusa. Athena, enraged by the desecration of her temple, punished Medusa by turning her into a monster by turning her hair into snakes and condemning anyone who looked at her to stone. Medusa represents her gender betrayal where Athena first betrays her by punishing her for being raped and later betrays her again when she gives Perseus a shield/mirror of her so he can kill her. In this retelling of the story, Alejandro shows us an empowered Medusa who hunts down Perseus, defending herself from the patriarchal society in which she lives
Alejandro Pereira. PerseusThe myth of Medusa explains how Poseidon entered the temple of Athena and within the sacred enclosure he raped Medusa. Athena, enraged by the desecration of her temple, p READ MORE
Short Description
Perseus vs Medusa digital statue. Produced exclusively for Cryptoverse Island 2022
1 in stock