Cybershock: Unmanned Waters | K-class USV
Network: Ethereum
Cybershock: Unmanned Waters | K-class USV. This particular collection represents the fusion of industrial NFTs of real-world's innovative maritime engineering project and a virtual digital asset(in-game collectible) in the simulation game Cybershock. In Cybershock(simulator) gamers would getting familiar with commanding their first sea-going Unmanned Surface Vehicle(USV) starting from the K-class. As the K-class has a forgiving autonomous control system, also appears to be an excellent cruising boat under most sea conditions, it does not request for much human efforts of captains(a role played by gamers). K-class has a lot of fun to play with for both average and advanced captains. https://platform.wise.art/author/vinkimorito_yandex-com/ vinkimorito.com/
Cybershock: Unmanned Waters | K-class USV. This particular collection represents the fusion of industrial NFTs of real-world's innovative maritime engineering project and a virtual digital asset(in-g READ MORE
Short Description
K-class USV is essentially an armoured merchantman which can sail without any human crew, perhaps among the first of its kind. VINKIMORITO's ambition is to create an oceanic city that home to more than ten thousands population at one time. As both artist and engineer, I want to make this dream into reality by inventing a number of autonomous vessels and aerial vehicles.
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